Understanding the Home Renovation Process


We commence by listening attentively. Whether you come with a vision, a wishlist, or questions, we’re fully prepared to address them.

Our journey starts with a warm greeting. At Character Companies Inc., we initiate our initial consultation with a singular aim: how can we facilitate the transformation of your remodeling aspirations into tangible results? During this phase, our adept team members attentively assess what aspects of your current home need improvement and how we can assist. Subsequently, we conduct an on-site evaluation to comprehensively grasp the scope of your project. Leveraging our expertise and aligning with your requirements, we tailor a pricing and scheduling strategy specific to your objectives. Your satisfaction is paramount, as it’s your abode! Our primary objective is to fulfill your desires by understanding your family’s evolving needs and lifestyle.

Let’s Turn your vision into a reality

A pressing inquiry among homeowners is, “How will I know my project won’t go over budget? Or What will my project look like once it’s completed?” Character Companies Inc. has the answer, and we’re here to elucidate our Design Process. Our Design Process addresses the three fundamental questions homeowners pose: “What could the outcome look like? How long will it take? What will be the cost?” Each remodeling project is different and it’s pertinent that we go through our Design Process to map out a detailed scope of work and fully encapsulate your vision. As you venture through our Design Process with our team, we meticulously document your space, measuring and photographing every detail for accuracy. Next, we present three design concepts using 3D virtual renderings and sketches to illustrate your future space. Finally, we propose preliminary material selections and discuss budgeting, timeframes, and specifications, welcoming your feedback throughout the process. Each design will encompass estimated pricing and scheduling, drawing upon our extensive experience with projects of comparable scale and complexity. Our entire team collaborates diligently to gather all pertinent information, ensuring that the designs we present align seamlessly with your objectives. All of this is provided for a small retainer fee.

It’s all in the details

With your feedback in hand, we revisit the three presented options and tailor the designs to your exact requirements. Your design and our guide to creating your dream home, is now coming to a close. We will be armed with comprehensive details on all your interior finish selections like, cabinetry, tile, countertops, and your floor plan design will be exactly to your specific requirements. Our final step to commencing work, we’ll hold an initial meeting with your Project Manager and our relevant trade partners (Plumbers, Electricians, HVAC, etc) to address any potential issues. Our trade partners will diagnose any potential issues that could impact your project and finally our team will collaborate with you once more before presenting to you our industry leading fixed price construction agreement.

It’s now time to turn your dreams into reality, let’s build this thing.

This phase marks the exciting transition to construction, where we finalize plans with structural and engineering details and secure necessary permits. While awaiting permit approval, we’ll coordinate and order long lead time items like cabinetry and windows. Once permits are in hand, our exceptional project managers will oversee every aspect of construction, ensuring meticulous attention to detail weekly updates on progress and will ensure your project stays on time and on budget. From start to finish, your home is treated with utmost care and craftsmanship, guaranteeing quality and timely completion.

Talk to our experts about your project

Schedule an appointment with us today so we can get started